Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What to do when you aren't employed.

Alright Folks. For those of you who don't know this but if you plan on working in tv and film be prepared to be out of work a lot. I mean a lot. 

Imagine this, you make all the money that most people make in a year -- in about six to eight months worth of time. Let's all just sit on this thought for a second -- yes you make good money.

Nay, great money.

But you have to make this money last you -- and if you're anything like me you're still trying to figure out this thing that adults call 'budgeting'. So what do you do with yourself when you aren't working? Well, first off you're going to need to find a way to make money when no one else is hiring. I model and do freelance work. It's great, but even that doesn't always pay the bills. Of course you can always get a shitty part time job at the mall, but you have to be ready to mentally prepared that you cannot use whatever mall job you got as reference (for whatever reason employers don't seem to like it when you suddenly can't come into work for three weeks because you're working on set. Who would have thought!).

But this post isn't really about what to do for money when you're out of work. That's a whole other can of worms. I'm talking about what you're going to do with yourself during those endless days at home when the phone doesn't ring and all your friends are out with their 'normal' jobs and you are stuck at home on your computer masturbating all day because really what else are you going to do with your time.

Step One: 

Form a Battle Plan.

This is easy enough -- set up some goals and things you'd like to do with cursed 'free time' you've been given. I make stock to sell at conventions, and I make youtube videos. Make a detailed list of all the things you wish to do, I'm talking about the mundane 'don't forget to brush your teeth' to the ridiculous 'lets open up our own studio!' -- nothing is too big or too small to go on this list.

Step Two: 

Make a Routine.

This routine will save your life. I mean this literally if you're like me and you're prone to bouts of severe anxiety or depression. Once you have your 'battle plan' figured out implement it into a routine. Here is my 'chantal is waffling in life again' routine:

8.30 AM: Get your fat ass out of bed.  
(I know this sounds basic, but wait until you've been out of work for a month. Even getting out of bed seems pointless some days) 

9.00 AM: Work your fat ass out. 
(I'm not really fat, I prefer the term 'well fed' or 'exceptionally fertile looking') 
Working out is great. I swear by it -- not only does it get those endorphins going in the morning but it keeps you looking sexy. I subscribe to the nerd fitness regime -- squats, push ups, dead lifts and planking. Followed by a little bit of cardio, but not much. I don't want the boys thinking I can't carry their monster-babies in me. 

10 AM: Shower.
Simple, I know. But wait until you're out of work for a month and you have no reason to leave the house -- showering quickly gets bumped down on the priority list. So now that you're sweaty, go to the showers -- if you're a girl do your hair nice and put on a little make up. You'll feel better I swear.

11 AM: Make a video for youtube. 
Yeah I know again sounds simple but I'm a creature of small comforts and my simple routine is a small comfort to me. Every day I make a video for my youtube channel. I don't always post it, but hey! At least I get to rant and get a few things off my chest. I highly

In the afternoons I usually work on building up my stock for conventions, or I draw on the computer write posts like these. I keep in touch with friends and co-workers because to be honest that's how you get most of your jobs.

The productive morning usually sets the tone for the afternoon -- so I don't really stress myself out too much about this. I want run my own shop one day, I have a tiny basement studio so most afternoons I'm down there tinkering away and listening to music. 

Another thing that really really helps! 

If you have managed to save money, do not be afraid to go out on the weekends and see you friends. Even if you don't have money, still try to go out and see your friends. Ask if you can come over to their house for the afternoon for tea and movies, Sit on their porch and have a nice smoke and long talk. Crack open a case of beer and just relax and enjoy the company of someone other than yourself. 

Whatever floats your boat.

 I make it a point to see my friends every weekend. I'm either visiting my boyfriend, hanging out with my girls or sometimes I just go into town and drop on people at work I haven't seen in a long time. Your friends will be the ones who will carry you through the hard times when you're not strong enough to carry yourself.

It's a tough business, carry your wits about you, and always keep busy! 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Muppets Puppets and Muffets!

Hey Everyone!

Just keep tuned, there will be a totally rad muppet tutorial coming up soon. I'll teach you how to flock these little cuties and how to glue the foam together!